Domination Phone sex

0908 277 0583
(Call cost 35p per minute + your phone company’s access charge)

Domination phone sex is not for the weak not the faint hearted! thats one thing for certain. What is domination? Domination is where a mistress or a master will control, give orders, be worhsipped in which every way they please, they control the submissives mind & body, psyical and emotional being and basically just do what ever it takes to make the subject totally sumbit to the dominant in the relationship, all this you will discover on domination phone sex. Our domination phone sex is the fucking greatest domination phone sex there is, we have serious professional hard arsed mistresses who know thier shit and they are not to be fucked around with at all.

Do not try to test thier patience when you begin that private 121 domination sex chat call then you need to be prepared to completely submit to them nothing can be done half heartedly with these mistresses. Once you call one of our top dog mistresses you will immidiatly know whos the boss, if you’ve ever heard the expression dont play with fire nows the time to bare that expression in mind, do not test these mistreses or you will end up burnt. these mistresses will train you to perfection they will ensure that you know how to behave around your mistress how to address her, how to wprship her, when to speak, when not to speak, you dont make one single move without your mistresses permission. Call our strict domination phone sex mistresses immediately to totally submit your soul to a divine godess of a mistress today!

domination phone sex

0908 277 0583
(Call cost 35p per minute + your phone company’s access charge)
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